What do members do?

SMG members are part of a transnational community of people committed and open to learning about anti-colonial queer African feminist principles. Through meetings and other events, members participate in political education sessions where they can deepen their understanding about queer organizing based on African feminist indigenous knowledge systems. Members also have the opportunity to develop collective actions and campaigns to counteract oppressive legislation and cultural practices, and support queer Ghanaian communities.  Membership is a space in which we practice freedom by creating the kind of diverse, open, welcoming, community space that we want to see in the wider world. 

Who should be a member?

You should join SMG if you want to be part of a diverse community where you can learn about queer freedom from an African indigenous feminist perspective. Membership is open to anyone regardless of gender or sexuality. You do not have to be Ghanaian or of Ghanaian origin to join SMG. As a transnational collective, we recognize that our struggles are linked across state borders and welcome opportunities to build solidarity with all who share in our goal of liberation. 

How can members contribute to the work?

Members contribute to the work through their involvement in meetings and attendance at political education sessions. Members also contribute by sharing their gifts of art, song, data analysis, group facilitation, language, etc. to help build our community and expand our knowledge basis. Members are empowered to join working groups that target specific issues. Through participation in working groups, members can take a deep dive into an area and share their insights with the collective. For example, members might join a working group focused on creating a queer African comprehensive sex education zine for Ghanaian students. This working group will coordinate to develop and distribute the zine to reach a broad audience. Or members might want to engage in media education campaigns to target misinformation spread in Ghanaian media. Working groups are an opportunity for members to focus their energies while being part of a larger community with a shared goal of queer freedom. Members can also just attend political education sessions and contribute through their participation as well.  

How frequently do members need to attend meetings?

Being part of this community is as you make it. Members are encouraged but not obligated to attend all meetings and education sessions that their schedules will accommodate. While you will get the most out of this community through active participation and engagement in deep learning, we also understand that everyone has different demands on their time, different community needs, and capacities. As such, we ask that members honor their capacity and engage as you are able. As long as you are a member of SMG, you will have access to this space. 

What do members’ donations go towards?

Members are asked to contribute $25 to SMG. Donations go towards operational costs such as our website, making our programming and social media posts accessible to a wide audience via closed-captioning, translation, and visibility mechanism, and promoting language justice in our meeting spaces. 

What are the benefits of membership?

Members have access to a community that supports queer freedom. Community provides a sense of connection, well-being, and belonging and strengthens the contributions we can collectively make towards our goal of liberation. Through community, members have the opportunity to learn and strategize as part of a collective with shared aims. 

What is popular political education?

Popular education emerges from an understanding that learning is a collective and communal process that drives social change. At SMG, we bring people together to through queer African indigenous feminist principles to share their lived experiences and build knowledge for our collective liberation.  

I do not have a university degree. Can I still take part in the political education? 

You do not need a degree to be part of our community. You just need to make a commitment to learning and sharing your own knowledge with the community. We believe that everyone has something to contribute to this space and we welcome all who come with an open heart and mind. SMG’s political education programming is made accessible through language justice, the use of diverse modalities for different learning styles, storytelling, sharing circles, cultural expression, and intergenerational organizing. 

How do you ensure members’ safety?

In the current political climate, we know that safety is a concern for queer people and allies. In February 2024, Ghana’s parliament passed a law criminalizing queer people and anyone who advocates for queer liberation, including a “duty to report,” with a prison sentence of up to five years for anyone suspected of supporting LGBTQ+ Ghanaians. At SMG, we take safety seriously and vet all members who join our community. After requesting to be a member of the community, members are screened through a welcome call to assess their commitment to the work and ensure that they will not pose a problem to the community. 

Do I have to be a Ghanaian to join?

You do not have to be Ghanaian or of Ghanaian origin to join SMG. As a transnational collective, we also recognize that our struggles are linked across state borders and welcome opportunities to build solidarity with all who share in our goal of liberation. 

How do I join?

Join by filling out the following form. Once you have submitted your information, donate the suggested membership amount or more if you are able. No one is turned away for lack of funds. After you join, you will receive an email, typically within a week, inviting you to a welcome meeting. 

At Silent Majority, Ghana we understand that freedom is a practice. What this means is that even in conditions of unfreedom, we acknowledge and exercise our inherent freedoms. And what is freedom?